Friday 17 August 2018

13 easy steps for a low maintenance kitchen

Modular Kitchen Dealers in Thane | Maintaining your Kitchen


1.Counter-top, the work station

Now this is the one place which requires lots of scrubbing and cleaning after each cook. So don’t ever think of installing regular tiles here. Stainless steel, quartz, marble and glass are the good choice for counter-top because they have no or less joints in it. However, the all time favourite is granite mainly because convenience in its cleaning and maintenance. Though it requires occasional sealing, still it is better than many as far as ease in maintenance is considered. If you want to go for low-cost, low-maintenance then you may opt for large porcelain tiles. The large tiles on the counter-top of will minimum joints and will be easy to clean and scrub.

2.Splashing the backsplash

The backsplash will get splash and get dirty while cooking and washing. The low maintenance backsplash will be a boon in kitchen. Go for joint-free painted glass, quartz or any stone for it. To reduce the cost you can also opt for laminates. However, avoid mosaic tiles since it will consume lots of your cleaning time.

3.The sink on the counter

While installing the sink, make sure that it is integrated at the same level as the counter or to be under mounted. Wipe the counter and push the mess right into the sink. Cleaning the sink will be easier than cleaning the long counter. Also select the sink with drain board on the side. It strains out the water directly into the sink thus helping to keep the space dry.

​4.Division of labour

Two sink is a better option as far as cleaning the space is concerned. Keep one sink for prep and the other for cleaning. So when one is prepping and cooking, the other one is doing the cleanup thus dividing the work and making life easy and comfortable.

​5.Choosing the cook top

From stainless steel to glass-top cook top, lots of options available is market. However, if you want a low maintenance one then bring home one with glass-top. You will love the simplicity in cleaning it requires.

​6.The floor beneath

The flooring that requires just a damp wipe is best for kitchen. Though wood is a good option since it can be cleaned just by dry or damp wipe, but you have to be careful with it. Any spill has to be cleaned immediately. Choose vinyl, linoleum or marmoleum floor that is easy to clean and don’t have joints in it. You can also go for large tiles which will have minimum joints in it. Cleaning will be less difficult with it.

​7.Simplicity in design

Avoid ornate style elaborate design for the cabinets. Believe us; over the period of time it will become difficult to maintain and cleaning it will be a cumbersome task. Modern cabinets are usually handle-free and have clean and neat finish or have simple handles. Be trendy and install it. You will enjoy its low maintenance privilege.

​8. ​Customised storage

One of the simplest tricks to make an inaccessible corner in the kitchen more functional is to avoid installing a closed cupboard in the area. Open shelves are a more flexible alternative as one can place trays or baskets on them to arrange things. When one needs something from within, pull out the basket to retrieve it. It’s one of the most budget-friendly kitchen cupboard designs one can come across as a solution for a corner.

9.Gadget garage

Make space and keep the entire kitchen gadget together so that there is less of rushing and running around in the kitchen. Assign a day to clean the gadgets which can easily be done in one go. There is no harm in having a door and drawers to hide it behind.

10.Down under the sink

Keep the cleaning stuffs all organised under the sink. Keeping the things at a designated place will save on lots of time.

11.Drawers and cabinets

Design and make space for drawers and cabinets behind which you can hide the groceries, towels, jars and bottles so that you don’t have to stumble on them. Wipe the doors is easier than cleaning the drawers frequently.

​​12.Recycle cabinet and bin

Having a cupboard or cabinets where you can dump in the recyclable items or raddi and have the bin too handy will save lots of time and avoid trips to store or garage where we usually keep the recyclable items.

​​13.Making it look clean

Managing a kitchen is more about making it look clean and organized by hiding what you don’t want to show and also hiding so that you can do the deep cleaning as per your convenience. You can always clean up the mess and push it behind the closed doors to clean it whenever you have time. It’s your home and it’s your life; enjoy and live as you want.Have a look at these clean and organized kitchen before you design yours

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